Space is something I want to study about. I was always interested in space since middle school. I always read books on space if there was. I was learning about different planets out there and if there were any more. And now I will talk about what I learned so far. There are 7 Galaxys and we live in the Milky Way Galaxys. Solar System is a part of space that planets orbit around the Sun. The Sun is a star that is in the middle of the Solar System. Mercury the first planet close to the Sun. Mercury has no moons and it takes mercury less time to orbit around the Sun. Venus the second planet close to the Sun. People say Venus is like the sister to Earth. Venus also has no moons like Mercury. Venus takes more time to orbit around the Sun than Mercury and less time than Earth. Earth the third planet close to the sun. Also where we all live on. Earth is like a brother to Venus. Earth has one moon. Earth is perfect place to live because Earth has lots of life, sun.